September 30th - BCW WarFare
September 17th - BCW: What Happened?
September 5th - BCW The Annual Day 2
September 4th - BCW The Annual Day 1
August 24th - BCW August Thunder VIII
August 13th - BCW WarFare
July 25th - BCW WarFare
July 12th - BCW WarFare
July 2nd - BCW Great Canadian Bash VIII Day 3
July 1st - BCW Great Canadian Bash VIII Day 2
June 30th - BCW Great Canadian Bash VIII Day 1
June 27th - BCWs Warmup Show
June 16th - BCW Destiny Awaits
June 3rd - BCW WarFare
May 24th - EAW: One Night Stand 2011
May 15th - BCW WarFare
April 29th - BCW WarFare
April 15th - BCW WarFare
April 1st - April Fools Mayhem
Match 24th - BCW WarFare
March 14th - BCW Stairway To Glory
February 4th- BCWs Middle Of Winter
January 9th - BCW Start Of The New Year
2010 Results
December 14th - BCW End Era 2010
December 7th - BCW Community Rumble I
November 24th - BCW Survival Stand VII
November - BCW Rememberence
October 31st - BCW Hardcore Haven Night 2
October 30th - BCW Hardcore Haven Night 1
October 5th - BCW WarFare
September 17th - BCW WarFare
September 5th- BCW Back To School Bash Day 2
September 4th - BCW Back To School Bash Day 1
August 24th - BCW August Thunder VII
August 14th - BCW WarFare
August 9th - XZW Loyalties Lie Here
July 12th - BCW WarFare
July 2nd - BCW Great Canadian Bash Day 3
July 1st - BCW Great Canadian Bash Day 2
June 30th - BCW Great Canadian Bash Day 1
June 26th - BCW WarFare
June 15th - BCW Destiny Awaits 2010
June 6th - BCW WarFare
May 24th - EAW One Night Stand 2010
May 12th - BCW WarFare
May 4th - BCW What was I doing last night
April 25th - BCW Warfare
April 15th - BCW WarFare
April 1st - April Fools Mayhem 2010
March 23rd - BCW WarFare
March 14th - BCW Stairway To Glory VII
March 7th - BCW WarFare
February 4th - Commander Ds Birthday
January 17th - BCW New Year Start Up
2009 Results
December 15th - BCW End Era: Day 4
December 15th - BCW End Era: Day 3
December 15th - BCW End Era: Day 2
December 14th - BCW End Era: Day 1
December 7th - BCW WarFare
November 25th - BCW Survival Stand 6
November 14th - BCW WarFare
October 31st - BCW Hardcore Haven Day 3
October 30th - BCW Hardcore Haven Day 2
October 29th - BCW Hardcore Haven Day 1
October 15th - BCW Snowfall Tournament
September 30th - BCW Failure Is Not An Option
September 23rd - BCW Find Me a Tag Partner
September 12th - BCW WarFare
September 5th - BCW Back To School Bash 4 Day 2
September 4th - BCW Back To School Bash 4 Day 1
August 29th - BCW: Don't Make Me Go to School Mommy
August 21st - August Thunder Day 3
August 20th - August Thunder Day 2
August 19th - August Thunder Day 1
August 14th - BCW WarFare
August 6th - Summer's Third Period
July 30th - BCW WarFare
July 22nd - Another Day In Hell
July 10th
July 1st - BCW Great Canadian Bash VI
June 28th - Michael Jackson:King of Pop Show
June 14th - BCW Resurrection
June 10th - BCW Warfare
May 22nd - EAW One Night Stand
May 8th - BCW Graduation Overload
April 26th - BCW WarFare
April 10th - Good Friday, Bad Friday
April 1st - April Fools Mayhem
March 27th - BCW Spring Break Bash
March 19th - St.Patricks Hangover Part 2
March 14th - Stairway to Glory VI
March 9th - BCW Race to Glory/BCW WarFare
February 26th - BCW WarFare
February 21st - BCW: Backyard Wrestldom Day 2
February 20th - BCW: Backyard Wrestldom Day 1
February 16th - BCW vs. Coalition
February 9th - BCW Rebellion
February 4th - Commander Ds Birthday
January 31st - SuperShow 2009
January 25th - Lets get the new year started
January 9th - PWA Semi-Pro Tournament
2008 Results
December 19th - Christmas come early
December 10th - End of an Era Beginning of a New one
December 1st - "No Man's Land"
November 24th - Survival Stand
November 15th - BCW WarFare
November 10th - Rememberance Day Mayhem
October 30th - Hardcore Haven
October 24th - BCW WarFare
October 14th - "Commander D not there show"
September 25th - "BCW/RCW/PWA Supershow"
September 14th - BCW vs. RCW "Un-Civil WarFare"
September 2nd - Back to School Bash 5
August 27th - Interpromotional SuperShow Day 2
August 24th - Interpromotional SuperShow Day 1
August 22nd - BCW WarFare
August 18th - "BCW August Thunder
August 10th - "Combat...Damn Right"
August 4th - "Reunion Show"
July 14th - "Doing the best we can
July 1st - "Great Canadain Bash"
June 28th - OCW Starfed
June 14th - BCW Resurrection
June 1st
May 21st - BCW Warfare
May 15th - EAW One Night Stand
April 25th
April 15th - "Its still April"
April 11th
April 1st - "April fools Mayhem"
March 25th, 2008
March 15th, 2008
10th, 2008
March 4th, 2008 "Stairway to Glory IV"
February 28th, 2008
February 20th, 2008
January 5th, 2008
2007 Results
December 9th, 2007
November 11th, 2007
Novermber 10th, 2007
October 31, 2007
October 15th, 2007
September 30th, 2007
18th, 2007
September 4, 2007 "Back to school bash"
August 26th, 2007
August 21st, 2007 "BCW Thunder"
August 12th, 2007
August 5th, 2007
August 4th, 2007 - BCW vs. RCW II
July 22nd, 2007
15th, 2007
July 8th, 2007
July 1st, 2007 "Great Canadain Bash"
June 17th, 2007
June 10th, 2007
June 2, 2007
27, 2007
May 20, 2007 - BCW Stairway to Glory
May 12, 2007
1, 2007 - BCW "April Fools Mayhem"
March 22, 2007
February 21, 2007
February 4, 2007
February 3, 2007
January 15, 2007 - BCW vs. RCW
2006 Results
December 17, 2006
December 4, 2006
November 24, 2006 - Survival Stand
Novermber 11, 2006
October 31, 2006 - Hardcore Haven